Ron Robrahn sent this small cover shot as well as this
large one of the group (just left click the image) with a listing of the people
at the reunion. I'm hoping someone will ID the men in the picture and help us put the names in
order and those not in the picture, one of which is Willis Holladay.
Attending the reunion were Ronald Robrahn, John Schlagel, James Marders,
Don McLaughlin, Malcolm Friedman, Earl Nickelson, Harris Cotter, Carl Casper,
Minzie Leister, Richard Life, Aubrey Jennings, Ken Robinson, John McKay,
Joseph Sharland, Larry Fisher, Paul Iley, Verlyn Shalow, Eugene Haselman,
WIlliam Evans, William Price, Carl Gilpatrick, Dwight Ellis, Philip Stevens,
Jackson Kennedy, Fred Card, Dennis Hopkins, Gene Allen, Ron Meisinger,
Pat Mnton, Thomas Kirk, Willis Holladay, Harvey Johnson, Stephen Harlan,
WIlliam Gaynor, Richard Tameris, Robert Bochenski, Joseph Wise, George Gowen
and Milton Gray.
Guests included Barre & Marge Shepp, Dave Miller, Richard Shananberger
and Malcolm Friedmon.
Reunion images from Mr. Harvey Johnson, Ensign 1964-65 via a web site called
Just follow this link
or paste the link below into your web browser.
To view and save the images from the Photobucket site, left click the image to select it, then left click to make it larger,
now right click to save the picture with the name listed on the site. They will be saved in most cases in the My Pictures Folder,
unless you have Vista, which will save them in your Picture Folder.
We need your help! Some of the people shown below can't be identified, so please help.
Run your mouse over the small image and you should see the names in the picture, if you just see a number, please email the web PO and let him know the
names of the crew members in the picture referencing that number. Thank You!
From Fred Card:
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