Navy Images from Harris Cotter

Harris Cotter, radarman third class (RD3) who served on the York County LST-1175 during the "Solant Amity III" African cruise in 1961.  After crossing the equator, the ship cruised along both the Atlantic and Indian Ocean coasts of Africa and visited 12 ports in 10 countries. These images are from slides taken to Walmart and transfered to a CD at a very low cost, then mailed to the York's web guy Tim Cook 37 Townsend Place Athens, OH 45701.  We'd Welcome Yours Too!

The first two images shown below are of Capetown, South Africa, but most were taken at sea and the York practicing beach landings without using causeways.  While crossing the equator in route to Africa, Harris sent two initiation images of a Pollywog sailor in the process of becoming a Shellback.  Originally, the tradition was created as a test for seasoned sailors to make sure their new shipmates were capable of handling the rough times at sea, but now, its just some sort of punishment for the new sailors.

As you slowly move your mouse pointer over the small images below, hopefully you will see the name or details about the image before selecting the image to view.  We would also like to know the name of the Pollywog sailor shown above.










We hope to see you at the reunion!

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